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St. Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

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Catholic Life of the School

As a Catholic School, we attach the greatest importance to Religious Education in all that we do at St. Martin’s.  We want our pupils to know Jesus and to use Him, along with other characters from the Bible and saints, to help them live out their Catholic values in all of their words and actions.   This is achieved through our regular assemblies, liturgies, Masses and Religious Education lessons and all of our children see themselves as role models for others in all of their interactions, both inside and out of the classroom.  It is a joy to witness their caring attitudes and the children putting their faith into action.

 Our pupils understand their role within society and they are keen to help those less fortunate than themselves.  Using Catholic Social Teaching as a basis our children work hard to address injustice, intolerance and prejudice and they recognise that their small actions can have a large impact on our community.   Our pupils know that each person is made in the likeness and image of God and therefore they respect everyone regardless of their faith, race or culture. 

 The world is  one of God’s gifts to us and our children understand that they are stewards of God’s creation.  They take time to enjoy it with a sense of awe and wonder and they know that it is their Catholic responsibility to care for it now and for future generations. 

 We are very fortunate that Fr. Perry, our Parish Priest, takes an active interest in our school and its religious life.  He visits the children regularly and Masses and liturgies are celebrated in the school community each term. The school also celebrates an act of collective worship each day, in class groups or as a whole school.

We use the resources of Wednesday Word and share the gospel with our pupils every Monday morning in assembly.

We also use the faith-based resources from TenTen to inform our Catholic life in school.

The monthly Ten Ten Newsletter is available here