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St. Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

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Chair of Governor's Welcome

The governors of the Federation of St Paul and St Martin of Porres Catholic Primary Schools extend a very warm welcome to all who wish to join our friendly, vibrant community which has Jesus at the heart of our learning. We can proudly say that St Martin of Porres is a little gem nestled in a quiet corner of Haringey. Children spend many an afternoon savouring the delights of the natural environment in our unique secret garden.


The school offers a broad curriculum that promotes curiosity of mind and instils a love of learning. Children are nurtured as individuals and encouraged to reach their full potential. Our commitment to see the children thrive and flourish is unwavering. To help them develop their talents and confidence the school offers a rich variety of after school clubs and activities like fencing and drama to name a few.


We have a dynamic Executive Headteacher supported by outstanding staff, amazing and very talented children and an extremely supportive parent/carer community who want the very best for every child and we work in partnership to achieve this.  Our exceptional pastoral care encompasses not that just our pupils but their entire families too.  We seek to follow Jesus’ teaching: ‘Love one another as I have loved you’.


Nothing can substitute for a visit so do come and visit the school on an open day. We look forward to welcoming you!


Susan Bartlett

Chair of Governors