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St. Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

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Year 5 Trip to the Saatchi Gallery

Year 5 had an amazing opportunity to visit the Beyond the Streets London art exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery which focuses on street art from over 100 different artists. These included photographs, large scale murals, graffiti, paintings, sculptures as well as large scale installations. Some of the highlights of the exhibition were from street artists Aixo, HuskMitNavn​, Swoon and Faile. We were given a guided tour of some of the highlights and after being inspired, we had a chance to create our own street art using our stencils which we made. 

Marie: I really enjoyed the installation of the record shop which was interactive - I was impressed with all the detail!

Naomi: I loved the gaudy glow in the dark cave art installation! I could see that they were trying to interpret space through the art and it was magical!

Natalie: I liked the stencilling & painting workshop as well as the anonymous artist Huskmitnavn, who used the frame as part of the artwork itself!