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St. Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

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Ofsted Inspection

Ofsted Parent View Survey - February 2023

The results can be viewed at -



Our school was inspected in February 2023 and was judged to be a GOOD school.

 Read our report and find out more details here.

  "This is a friendly school where everyone knows your name.  They are taught to be respectful and kind towards everyone. This is lived out in this caring and nurturing environment where a strong culture of respect permeates working relationships between pupils and adults."

"Pupils are kept safe and feel safe at school. If they have any concerns, they know they can speak to adults who will help them.  Pupils behave well. This is because leaders have high expectations of them"

"Parents and carers are positive about the school. One parent commented: ‘This is a loving community school where the teachers are very nurturing.’ This was a view shared by many.."

Leaders have designed a well-thought-out curriculum which identifies the knowledge and skills that pupils are expected to learn. To enrich pupils’ learning, leaders have built into the curriculum an interesting range of wider experiences.

The curriculum is sequenced so that pupils build their understanding over time ....... Teachers check how well pupils understand what they have learned. Errors or misconceptions are identified and addressed. Staff provide effective support for any pupils who fall behind so that they catch up quickly. Leaders are committed to ensuring that pupils with SEND access the same curriculum as their peers