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St. Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

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Useful Links for Parents

 Healthy Eating/Fussy Eaters - Presentation by the School Nurse

Role of the School Nurse

Healthy Eating Powerpoint 2021 - School Nurse Presentation

Free Entitlements & Help with Child Care

Free Entitlements & Help with Child Care 

 Support Resources

Action for Children - Support for Parents

Department for Education

What to expect, when?  Guidance to your child's learning and development in the early years foundation stage.

School Attendance Matters - A Parent's Guide

Home Fire Safety Information

KS1 Home Fire Safety Plan - with action plans for parent/carers

KS2 Home Fire Safety Plan - with action plan for parent/carers

General Educational Resources




 https://readingeggs.co.uk online reading games and activities for children from 3 to 13

www.booktrust.org.uk games, activites and book ideas for children of all ages

www.magickeys.com/books/index.html#books free online books for all ages

www.worldbookday.com - not just for World Book Day.  Ideas and resources linked to different books.





www.shakespeareandmore.com - Shakespeare resources for primary school children

www.schoolreadinglist.co.uk - Suggested reading books for children of all ages

www.booksfortopics.com - Suggested reading for school topics


www.timestables.com - Fun resource to help with times tables

Maths Games - 


www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/joinin/numberblocks-help-your-child-with-maths - 10 ways to help your children with Maths

https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/shows/numberblocks - BBC show designed to help development of numbers.

 YouTube - Type in Big Number Song  to access songs to help your child/ren count to 100



 www.phonicsplay.co.uk - great for phonics games and recognition of letter sounds and high frequency words.  Suitable for children in Reception to Year 2

Jolly Phonics Songs on YouTube -

Phase 2 Soundshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGpsVmWLRFA

Phase 3 Soundshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmRqONZn954

Geraldine the Giraffe (a puppet to read words using phonics). One short programme for each new sound in Phase 2 and 3. Watch on You Tube-https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=geraldine+the+giraffe

http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/shows/alphablocks - Alphablocks (a BBC children’s show aimed at developing phonics)