Our policies are reviewed and updated on a rolling programme throughout the academic year by our Governing Body.
Enclosed for download are statutory policies and those of interest to parents. This is not the definitive list of policies in the school. Please ask the School Office for a more detailed list if required.
(S) after a policy denotes a statutory policy.
Administration/Data & Communication
Ethos & Inclusion
Relationships, Health & Sex Education Policy
Special Educational Needs & Disability Policy (SEND) (S)
Pupil Wellbeing & Safeguarding
Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Policy (S)
Behaviour Principles, Statement of (S)
Managing Allegations of Abuse Against Other Pupils (Child-on-Child Abuse) Policy
Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy (S)
Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs (S)
Paper copies of school policies are available from the School Office free of charge.