Pupil Leadership Teams
Head Boy and Head Girl
Head Boy for 2024 - 2025
Head Girl for 2024 - 2025
Mini Vinnies
Mini Vinnies is a primary school initiative run by the St Vincent de Paul society and empowers primary school children to become advocates within their school and local community by putting their values into action. They meet regularly to learn about social justice issues, develop leadership skills and engage with the wide St Vincent de Paul Society.
The Mini Vinnies at St Martin of Porres meet regularly at school during recess or lunchtime. The group usually run fundraisers and other events on the school grounds however they may visit other schools, aged care facilities or similar for special projects.
Some of the activities the Mini Vinnies at St Martin of Porres have been involved in are helping at a St Paul's Bingo session for the elderly, planting bulbs at Hildene for residents to enjoy later in the year and collecting socks for the night shelter.
In July the Mini Vinnies organised an afternoon tea for the local community. After the tea the guests enjoyed an assembly by Beech Class.
School Council 2023 - 2024
All children can access the School Council through regular class meetings to discuss ideas about how they can improve the school. Each year group has two representatives who are elected by the class to represent them on the School Council. The representatives attend School Council meetings where they voice the opinions of their class. Decisions are made and actions are taken, the representatives then feedback the information to their class. The children undertake an annual questionnaire so that they have the opportunity to give us feedback on every aspect of the school. We refer to this when we plan developments for the school.
The School Council Aims for this academic year are -
raise money to buy new equipment for the school
make our school more eco friendly
raise money for charity
listen to all pupil's views
Meeting with their St Paul counterparts
As a reward for their hard work the School Council (2018-2019) went to visit the Houses of Parliament and met Boris Johnson at the gate!
House Captains
House Captains elected 27th September 2023