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St. Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

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RE Curriculum 

At St Martin's, Religious Education (RE) is a core subject which has dedicated 10% teaching time as directed in the Religious Education Curriculum Directory, 2012.

RE is taught as a distinct subject but much of the learning is woven throughout the whole school curriculum.

Using the 'Come and See' scheme of work, together with additional creative and stimulating activities, we teach the children about Gospel Values, the Catholic faith and traditions and their role in society.  We are proud that this learning is evident in their interactions with others and their care for other people and God's creation.

We are currently raising the profile of Catholic social teaching throughout St Martin's through our assemblies and RE lessons.  These seven principles are rooted in Jesus' teaching and guide us all how to live our lives.  They are -

  • Dignity
  • Solidarity
  • The common good
  • The option for the poor
  • Peace
  • Care for creation
  • The dignity of work and participation

More information about Catholic social teaching can be found on the Cafod website -




As part of the curriculum, the children also study a range of faiths - developing a deeper knowledge of the beliefs, symbols and traditions of Judaism, Islam, Sikhism and Buddhism. 



The Religious Education curriculum is mapped to the RECD, 2012

In his goodness and wisdom God chose to reveal himself and to make known to us the hidden purpose of his will by which through Christ, the Word was made flesh, man might in the Holy Spirit have access to the Father and come to share in the divine nature. (Dei Verbum 2)

Please note that a new RECD is in draft format for 2022




As our school is part of the Diocese of Westminster please see the Diocesan website for further information - https://education.rcdow.org.uk/