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St. Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

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Growing in knowledge and in the love of Jesus


Welcome to St martin of porres catholic primary school

We are very proud of our nurturing ethos at St Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School. The strengths of each individual in our community are recognised and celebrated so that, together, we can develop and grow in the knowledge and love of Jesus.

Through our commitment to fostering high expectations and providing an enriching, stimulating curriculum, coupled with engaging Forest School opportunities and strong ties to St Paul the Apostle Parish in Wood Green, we aspire to empower every child in our care to excel. We believe in nurturing a sense of responsibility, so that our children can appreciate the positive impact they can make on others' lives through both their words and actions.

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happening At St Martin of Porres

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What Our Community Say

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Open Mornings

Open Mornings will be held on every Tuesday morning at 9.30a.m.

If you would like to visit on one of our Open Mornings please register your interest here or by calling the School Office on 0208 361 1445 and/or emailing us at adminstmartins@stpm.org.uk.  We look forward to welcoming you.


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for further information on events taking place at the school