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St. Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

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Timings of the Day

Children should NOT arrive at school before 8.45am.  The school gates will open automatically at 8.45am and will be closed at 9.00am.


Class Morning Lunch Afternoon Home
Reception 9.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm  3.20pm
Classes 1 and 2 9.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 3.20pm
Classes 3-6 9.00am 12.15pm 1.15pm 3.20pm

 Arriving at School

Punctuality is very important as it sets the tone for the rest of the School Day.

 For Key Stage One, the children should be accompanied to their classrooms by their parents.  All children should be sitting at their desk ready for a 9.00am start.

For Key Stage Two, the children should go to their classrooms and be sitting at their desks ready for a 9.00am start. 

Arriving late for school is recorded in our online system in reception, on the register and on the child's Annual Report.  Children who arrive late should enter the School via the main entrance door and report to the School Office so that they can be registered.  This must happen before they go to their classrooms.

Leaving School

The School Day ends at 3.20pm and the children are expected to be collected on time. Unfortunately the School does not have the staff available to look after uncollected children and if the children are still on the School premises at 4.00pm, the London Borough of Haringey Social Services Team will be contacted.

For Key Stage One, parents should wait in the car park for their children to be brought to the side gate.  Reception parents must come round to the playground to pick up their children.

For Key Stage Two, parents are expected to stand at the external door to each classrooms so that the teachers can see who they are passing the children out to.

Pupil attendance and punctuality is monitored very closely by the School and the London Borough of Haringey Education Welfare Service.