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St. Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

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School Saints & Houses

Each child is assigned to a House for their school career.  Each week children are rewarded for house points for outstanding behaviour, achievement, effort, manners, etc.  At the end of each week the House with the most points is announced at the Celebration Assembly.

Each child will be assigned to one of the following houses -


St Teresa of Calcutta (Red Team)

St Teresa was born in 1910 and died in 1997.  Her feast day is 5th September.  St Teresa helped the unwanted, the unloved and the uncared for in Calcutta, India.  Her good work has spread throughout the world.  St Teresa always carried a rosary.

St Teresa of Calcutta    'Peace begins with a smile'


St Catherine of Sienna (Blue Team)

St Catherine of Sienna was born on 25th March 1347.  Her feast day is on 29th April.  She devoted her life to following Jesus.  She visited the sick and the poor.  St Catherine wrote hundreds of letters to Church leaders.

St Catherine of Siena     'Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire'


St Luke (Yellow Team)

St Luke was born in Turkey.  His feast day is 18th October.  St Luke wrote one of the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament.  Part of the the 'Hail Mary' comes from St Luke's Gospel.  He was a Doctor and great friends with St Paul.

St Luke   'Treat People the way you want them to treat you'


St Nicholas (Green Team)

St Nicholas was born in Asia Minor in the Roman Empire.  His feast day is 6th December.  He helped the poor by throwing bags of gold through their windows at night.  He is the patron saint of bakers, sailors and children.

St Nicholas


'The giver of every good and perfect gift has called upon us to mimic God's giving,  by grace, through faith, and this is not of ourselves.'