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 Our policies are reviewed and updated on a rolling programme throughout the academic year by our Governing Body.

Enclosed for download are statutory policies and those of interest to parents.  This is not the definitive list of policies in the school.  Please ask the School Office for a more detailed list if required.

(S) after a policy denotes a statutory policy. 


Early Years Foundation Stage Policy (S)

Homework Policy

Remote Learning Policy - September 2020

Pupil Wellbeing & Safeguarding

Accessibility Policy (S)

Bereavement Policy

Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy (S)

Special Educational Needs & Disability Policy (SEND) (S)

Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs (S)

First Aid Policy

School Travel Policy


Anti-Bullying Policy

Drugs Alcohol and Tobacco Policy

ICT & Acceptable Use Policy

Managing Allegations of Abuse Against Other Pupils (Child-on-Child Abuse) Policy

Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblowing)

Pupil Attendance & Punctuality

Social Media Policy 

 Administration/Data & Communication

Charging & Remissions (S) 

Complaints Policy (S)

Communication Policy


Data Protection Policy (S)

Home/School Agreement

School Uniform Policy 

Lettings Policy        Lettings Form


After School Club


Behaviour Policy (S)

Behaviour Principles, Statement of (S)

Exclusion Policy (S)


Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Policy (S)


Health & Safety Policy (S)


Statement of Behaviour Principles

Equality and Diversity Policy


 Paper copies of all school policies are available from the School Office free of charge.