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Current Fundraising Activities


Summer Fair 2024

Thank you to all these local businesses for supporting our 2024 Summer Fair 


Element Properties


Planet Youth Camps

James Mott Tennis


Get your St Martin's coffee!

The Friends of St Martin's have signed up to Curb Coffee Collective, meaning you can now get your very own St Martin's blend and raise money for our school at the same time!

Find out more:  https://www.curbcoffee.co.uk/blogs/news/empowering-education-st-martin-of-porres-partners-with-curb-coffee-collective 


Movement for Good


Every year, the Benefact Group of Insurers runs Movement for Good, in which they donate £1000,00 each to a range of charities – including school PTAs!

 The more nominations we have, the better our chances of winning so please do click on the link below to nominate us, or see our Facebook group for more details.


 Thank you.


Pringles Tubes, Ferrero Rocher and Tupperware Recycling


           We recycle Pringles tubes, Ferrero Rocher packaging and                          Tupperware  with Terracycle to keep things our of landfill and                    raise money for our school.  Please put clean items in the grey                    wheelie bin by the fabric recycling bin.   

           ***Please do not put any rubbish in the grey wheelie bin or the            blue fabric bin***

          For more info on these schemes, including details on what can                  and can't be recycled, please visit the Terracycle website.






 Our Big Blue Bin 

Huge thanks to everyone who has been filling up our fabric bin! All clean fabrics can be put in the bin apart from rugs, duvet and pillows (duvet covers and pillow cases are fine).  There is a handy list of dos and don’ts on the side.  We’ll be arranging our next collection very soon.

 The clothes are sold wherever the market pays the best price – good condition clothes are sold second-hand in the UK and abroad.  Other fabrics are reused as dust sheets, rags and filling material.  More info is on the Kids Just Recycle website at 


 The bin will help us raise money for the school and to help us all be more green by sending less fabric to landfill.