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St. Martin of Porres Catholic Primary School

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Earth Day



At St Martin’s, we discussed this year’s theme, ‘Restore our Planet’, and we took part in many exciting activities

Early years discussed recycling and why it is important. The children threaded cheerios onto pipe cleaners for the birds to eat, glue seeds onto bird houses using honey for the birds and watered the plants that they planted before the Easter holiday.

In KS1, the children made fabulous posters about how to save our planet and created a fantastic planet Earth in the playground, followed by a discussion on how to recycle, save energy by switching off the lights and using less water where possible.

In KS2, we talked about sustainability and the importance of recycling, and for that we refurbished old furniture, designed bags and face masks out of old T - shirts and made plant pots out of plastic bottles. Year 6 made a huge battery and encouraged each class to bring used batteries to school so we can recycle them. As it takes 100 years for a battery to decompose, it is crucial to not.

Our planet is our home and we are responsible for it. At St Martin’s, we understand the role we play in looking after the earth.